Friends of the Library Bookstore
Bookstore Hours
Tuesday – Friday:
10:00 am – 4 pm
10:00 am – 1 pm
Hardbacks: $2.00 to $3.00
Paperbacks: $1.00 to $2.00
Children’s: $0.50 to $1.00
Special pricing on unique, rare, vintage, and coffee table books.
Check out the lobby shelves!
Find books that are being taken out of circulation.
These oldies-but-goodies are priced at a drastic reduction: $0.25 per book!
The Library welcomes donations that are in good condition. Books must be clean, dry, and mold-free.
Donations will be evaluated and, if appropriate, added to the collection or donated to the Friends of the Library for their book sale.
Friends of the Library
The Friends of the Library are voting members who advocate for the Library, and raise funds for special projects. They help to foster a positive relationship between the Library and the community.
Membership Details
- Memberships are annual from January to December.
- You may join at any time.
- Friend memberships are $25 and higher.
- If you donate $250 or more, you become a Champion.
- Membership entitles full participation at the annual meeting, including voting for officers and directors.